ERC721 Signature Minting
You can access this interface from the NFT Collection contract under the signature interface.
type ERC721SignatureMinting struct {}
func (*ERC721SignatureMinting) Generate
func (signature *ERC721SignatureMinting) Generate(payloadToSign *Signature721PayloadInput) (*SignedPayload721, error)
Generate a new payload from the given data
payloadToSign: the payload containing the data for the signature mint
returns: the payload signed by the minter's private key
payload := &thirdweb.Signature721PayloadInput{
To: "0x9e1b8A86fFEE4a7175DAE4bDB1cC12d111Dcb3D6", // address to mint to
Price: 0, // cost of minting
CurrencyAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // currency to pay in order to mint
MintStartTime: 0, // time where minting is allowed to start (epoch seconds)
MintEndTime: 100000000000000, // time when this signature expires (epoch seconds)
PrimarySaleRecipient: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // address to receive the primary sales of this mint
Metadata: &thirdweb.NFTMetadataInput{ // metadata of the NFT to mint
Name: "ERC721 Sigmint!",
RoyaltyRecipient: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // address to receive royalties of this mint
RoyaltyBps: 0, // royalty cut of this mint in basis points
signedPayload, err := contract.Signature.Generate(payload)
func (*ERC721SignatureMinting) GenerateBatch
func (signature *ERC721SignatureMinting) GenerateBatch(payloadsToSign []*Signature721PayloadInput) ([]*SignedPayload721, error)
Generate a batch of new payload from the given data
payloadToSign: the payloads containing the data for the signature mint
returns: the payloads signed by the minter's private key
payload := []*thirdweb.Signature721PayloadInput{
To: "0x9e1b8A86fFEE4a7175DAE4bDB1cC12d111Dcb3D6",
Price: 0,
CurrencyAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
MintStartTime: 0,
MintEndTime: 100000000000000,
PrimarySaleRecipient: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
Metadata: &thirdweb.NFTMetadataInput{
Name: "ERC721 Sigmint!",
Image: imageFile,
RoyaltyRecipient: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
RoyaltyBps: 0,
To: "0x9e1b8A86fFEE4a7175DAE4bDB1cC12d111Dcb3D6",
Price: 0,
CurrencyAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
MintStartTime: 0,
MintEndTime: 100000000000000,
PrimarySaleRecipient: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
Metadata: &thirdweb.NFTMetadataInput{
Name: "ERC721 Sigmint!",
Image: imageFile,
RoyaltyRecipient: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
RoyaltyBps: 0,
signedPayload, err := contract.Signature.GenerateBatch(payload)
func (*ERC721SignatureMinting) Mint
func (signature *ERC721SignatureMinting) Mint(signedPayload *SignedPayload721) (*types.Transaction, error)
Mint a token with the data in given payload.
signedPayload: the payload signed by the minters private key being used to mint
returns: the transaction receipt of the mint
// Learn more about how to craft a payload in the Generate() function
signedPayload, err := contract.Signature.Generate(payload)
tx, err := contract.Signature.Mint(signedPayload)
func (*ERC721SignatureMinting) MintBatch
func (signature *ERC721SignatureMinting) MintBatch(signedPayloads []*SignedPayload721) (*types.Transaction, error)
Mint a batch of token with the data in given payload.
signedPayload: the list of payloads signed by the minters private key being used to mint
returns: the transaction receipt of the batch mint
// Learn more about how to craft multiple payloads in the GenerateBatch() function
signedPayloads, err := contract.Signature.GenerateBatch(payloads)
tx, err := contract.Signature.MintBatch(signedPayloads)
func (*ERC721SignatureMinting) Verify
func (signature *ERC721SignatureMinting) Verify(signedPayload *SignedPayload721) (bool, error)
Verify that a signed payload is valid
signedPayload: the payload to verify
returns: true if the payload is valid, otherwise false.
// Learn more about how to craft a payload in the Generate() function
signedPayload, err := contract.Signature.Generate(payload)
isValid, err := contract.Signature.Verify(signedPayload)