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NFT Drop

You can access the NFT Drop interface from the SDK as follows:

import (

privateKey = "..."

sdk, err := thirdweb.NewThirdwebSDK("mumbai", &thirdweb.SDKOptions{
PrivateKey: privateKey,

contract, err := sdk.GetNFTDrop("{{contract_address}}")
type NFTDrop struct {
ClaimConditions *NFTDropClaimConditions
Encoder *NFTDropEncoder

func (*NFTDrop) Claim

func (drop *NFTDrop) Claim(quantity int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Claim NFTs from this contract to the connect wallet.

quantity: the number of NFTs to claim

returns: the transaction receipt of the claim

func (*NFTDrop) ClaimTo

func (drop *NFTDrop) ClaimTo(destinationAddress string, quantity int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Claim NFTs from this contract to the connect wallet.

destinationAddress: the address of the wallet to claim the NFTs to

quantity: the number of NFTs to claim

returns: the transaction receipt of the claim


address := "{{wallet_address}}"
quantity = 1

tx, err := contract.ClaimTo(address, quantity)

func (*NFTDrop) CreateBatch

func (drop *NFTDrop) CreateBatch(metadatas []*NFTMetadataInput) (*types.Transaction, error)

Create a batch of NFTs on this contract.

metadatas: a list of the metadatas of the NFTs to create

returns: the transaction receipt of the batch creation


image0, err := os.Open("path/to/image/0.jpg")
defer image0.Close()

image1, err := os.Open("path/to/image/1.jpg")
defer image1.Close()

metadatas := []*thirdweb.NFTMetadataInput{
Name: "Cool NFT",
Description: "This is a cool NFT",
Image: image1
Name: "Cool NFT 2",
Description: "This is also a cool NFT",
Image: image2

tx, err := contract.CreateBatch(metadatas)

func (*NFTDrop) GetAllClaimed

func (drop *NFTDrop) GetAllClaimed() ([]*NFTMetadataOwner, error)

Get a list of all the NFTs that have been claimed from this contract.

returns: a list of the metadatas of the claimed NFTs


claimedNfts, err := contract.GetAllClaimed()
firstOwner := claimedNfts[0].Owner

func (*NFTDrop) GetAllUnclaimed

func (drop *NFTDrop) GetAllUnclaimed() ([]*NFTMetadata, error)

Get a list of all the NFTs on this contract that have not yet been claimed.

returns: a list of the metadatas of the unclaimed NFTs


unclaimedNfts, err := contract.GetAllUnclaimed()
firstNftName := unclaimedNfts[0].Name

func (*NFTDrop) GetOwned

func (nft *NFTDrop) GetOwned(address string) ([]*NFTMetadataOwner, error)

Get the metadatas of all the NFTs owned by a specific address.

address: the address of the owner of the NFTs

returns: the metadata of all the NFTs owned by the address


owner := "{{wallet_address}}"
nfts, err := contract.GetOwned(owner)
name := nfts[0].Metadata.Name

func (*NFTDrop) GetOwnedTokenIDs

func (nft *NFTDrop) GetOwnedTokenIDs(address string) ([]*big.Int, error)

Get the tokenIds of all the NFTs owned by a specific address.

address: the address of the owner of the NFTs

returns: the tokenIds of all the NFTs owned by the address