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useAllContractEvents() function

This feature is currently in beta and may change based on feedback that we receive.

Use this to query (and subscribe) to all events on a contract.


export declare function useAllContractEvents(
contract: RequiredParam<ReturnType<typeof useContract>["contract"]>,
options?: {
queryFilter?: EventQueryFilter;
subscribe?: boolean;
): import("@tanstack/react-query").UseQueryResult<ContractEvent[], unknown>;


contractRequiredParam<ReturnType<typeof useContract>["contract"]>the contract instance of the contract to call a function on
options{ queryFilter?: EventQueryFilter; subscribe?: boolean; }(Optional) options incldues the filters () for the query as well as if you want to subscribe to real-time updates (default: true)


import("@tanstack/react-query").UseQueryResult<ContractEvent[], unknown>

a response object that includes the contract events