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useNFTDrop() function

Hook for getting an instance of an NFTDrop contract. This contract is meant to interface with ERC721 compliant NFTs that can be lazily minted.


import { useNFTDrop } from '@thirdweb-dev/react'

export default function Component() {
const nftDrop = useNFTDrop("<YOUR-CONTRACT-ADDRESS>")

// Now you can use the nft drop contract in the rest of the component

// For example, this function will let the connected wallet claim a new NFT
async function claim(quantity) {
await nftDrop.claim(quantity)



export declare function useNFTDrop(
contractAddress?: string,
): NFTDrop | undefined;


contractAddressstring(Optional) the address of the NFT Drop contract, found in your thirdweb dashboard


NFTDrop | undefined