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Let's take a look at a quick example of how to use the authentication SDK to allow users on a frontend application to log in with just their wallets to a backend and make authenticated requests.

Setup the Project

We'll start by cloning the Basic Authentication example project using the thirdweb CLI

npx thirdweb create --template login-with-wallet

We also need to set up our backend with an admin private key (we'll explore what this means later). To do this, we need to create a new file at the top level of our project called .env.local and add our private key to the file:

Private Key Best Practices

It is not secure to store your private key in an environment variable.

Learn how to use a secret manager as we recommend here

Trying the Demo

To run the project locally, run one of the following commands:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

You can navigate to http://localhost:3000 and you should see a page that looks like the following (assuming your wallet isn't already connected to the page).

Connect Wallet

The first thing to do is to connect your MetaMask wallet to the page by clicking the Connect Wallet button.

Getting A Wallet

If you don't already have one, you can follow our guide on creating a MetaMask wallet!

Once you connect your wallet, the page should update to the following, and show you your wallet address in the Connect Address section.

Login with Wallet

Why do we need authentication?

At this point, we've simply connected our wallet to the page, so the browser knows what our wallet address is.

What if a user wanted to make an API request to the back-end to access their sensitive account information?

We could restrict access based on their wallet address, but what if somebody else knew that address? That person could then make an API request pretending to be the user, and get the account information, even if they didn't own the wallet; which would be a security risk!

We need to prove to the backend that we own the wallet address, rather than simply sending the wallet address.

Let's explore how this is possible with the authentication SDK.

Generating an Authentication Token

We can prove that we are connected to a wallet to the backend by signing a specific login message with our private key, which the backend will then use to verify that we do in fact own the address we claim to have.

You can do this step by clicking the Login with Wallet button, and you should be prompted to sign a message that looks something like the following (with different addresses, times, and nonce). wants you to sign in with your account:

Make sure that the requesting domain above matches the URL of the current website.

Nonce: f44b81a7-2547-40a4-8583-59f9be41e9f3
Expiration Time: 2022-07-06T15:22:54.829Z

Once you sign the message, it will get sent to the backend where the backend will verify your address and generate an authentication token to send to you.


For those curious, you can actually see the authentication token by clicking Inspect > Application > Cookies and you'll see it under the access_token cookie in this case.

Now that you're logged in, your page should update to the following with the correct Logged In Address.


Our authentication token is now stored securely on the frontend, so if we make any future requests to the backend, the backend will still know the wallet address that we are logged in as.

You can try this out by clicking the Authenticate button, which just makes a request to the backend and returns true if your wallet address is still authenticated.

Finally, if you try clicking the Logout button, the authentication token will be removed from the frontend, which means you will no longer be able to make authenticated requests. If try the Authenticate button, it should now show false for the Authenticated value, reflecting that you are no longer logged in.

So just like that, we have a full login-flow where you can login to a backend with just a wallet!

Understanding the Code

Now that we've seen the basics of what this login flow can do, let's take a look at the important code to try to understand what's going on.

The first file we can take a look at is the hooks/useAuthenticate.ts file, which will have functions called login, authenticate, and logout. Notice that all of these functions are simply making API requests to the backend, which we'll take a look at soon. However, if we take a closer look at the login function, you'll notice that's it's also doing something else:

async function login() {
// Here, we call the authentication SDK login method to generate a payload we can send to the backend
const payload = await sdk?.auth.login(domain);
await fetch("/api/login", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({ payload }),

In this function, we importantly call the sdk.auth.login() function which is what prompts the connected wallet to sign a message, which is then used to generate a payload to send to the backend.

Now we can take a look at all the API functions which enable these flows. First, let's look at pages/api/login.tsx, which is where the login request is made. The most crucial line in this function is the following:

const token = await sdk.auth.generateAuthToken(domain, payload);

Here, we take the payload generated and send from the frontend and use it to create an authentication token that the frontend can use to make authenticated requests. We then send this token back to the frontend as a secure cookie with the following code:

serialize("access_token", token, {
path: "/",
httpOnly: true,
secure: true,
sameSite: "strict",

Next, let's look at the pages/api/authenticate.tsx file, which showcases a separate API endpoint where we can verify is a user is logged in or not. The most important code here is the following:

// Get access token off cookies
const token = req.cookies.access_token;
if (!token) {
error: "Must provide an access token to authenticate",

const sdk = ThirdwebSDK.fromPrivateKey(
// Learn more about securely accessing your private key:

// Authenticate token with the SDK
const domain = "";
const address = await sdk.auth.authenticate(domain, token);

Here, we extract the authentication token of the request cookies and verify it with the sdk.auth.authenticate method. If the authentication token is valid, the function will return us the address of the authenticated wallet, otherwise this function will throw an error.

Finally, let's look at the pages/api/logout.tsx file, which demonstrates how to logout a user. All we have to do is remove the cookie with the authentication token from the frontend (which we can specify on the request with the following):

// Set the access token to 'none' and expire in 5 seconds
serialize("access_token", "none", {
path: "/",
expires: new Date( + 5 * 1000),

And with this, the user will be logged out after 5 seconds.

And just like that, user authentication with the authentication SDK is made possible!