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Pre-Built Contracts Overview

Pre-built contracts are written by the thirdweb team, and cover the most common use cases for smart contracts; each of them are:

  • Open source and free to deploy (excl. gas fees)
  • Audited and supported by our bug bounty program
  • Fully owned by the contract deployer (you)
  • 10x cheaper to deploy than traditional contracts

Quick Start

How Pre-Built Contracts Work

Each contract makes use of the contract extensions that are available in our Contracts SDK, and all come with a standard set of features that enable fine-grained control over the contract's behavior, such as:

When you deploy one, under the hood you are creating a proxy contract, which reduces the gas cost of deploying smart contracts by ~90% for you.

This works by having our smart contracts run the underlying logic, meaning you only deploy the code that is unique to your contract. This is possible since all of the contracts deployed using our pre-built contracts run the same logic for things like minting, transferring, and burning tokens.

For example, your contract stores knowledge of its metadata and state, such as its name, and what NFTs have been minted so far. For any logic (such as minting an NFT), it delegates this to our underlying smart contract to handle.

Proxy Contract Flow