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Creating an NFT Minting Page

We have created a template for you to plug in your NFT Drop contract address and have your NFT minting page created for you!

The information such as image, name, description, and supply is automatically loaded from your NFT Drop contract.


In this section, we assume you have Node.JS installed on your machine and know how to run commands in the terminal.

1. Clone the NFT Minting Page Template

You can create a copy of this template repository by using our CLI or downloading the repository as a .zip file and unzipping it from the GitHub URL.

npx thirdweb create --template nft-drop

Once you have the code on your computer, you'll need to install the dependencies:

npm install

To start running the code locally, run the command below.

npm run dev

2. Configure the NFT Drop Contract Address

Replace the value of the myNftDropContractAddress inside the index.tsx file. You can find the contract address of your NFT Drop in the dashboard.

// Put Your NFT Drop Contract address from the dashboard here
const myNftDropContractAddress = "<your-address-here>";

3. Configure the Network your NFT Drop Contract is deployed on

In our example repository, we enforce users to be on the Matic Mumbai test network.

If you are on a different network, you'll need to configure this value in two places.

  1. Inside the _app.tsx page, replace the value of activeChainId with the chain ID of your network.
// This is the chainId your dApp will work on.
const activeChainId = ChainId.Mumbai; // This is the chainId your dApp will work on.
  1. Inside the index.tsx page, inside the mint function, replace the value inside the switchNetwork function to match the chain ID of your network.
// Function to mint/claim an NFT
async function mint() {
// ...

if (isOnWrongNetwork) {
// Change this value (ChainId.Mumbai) to match your chain.
switchNetwork && switchNetwork(ChainId.Mumbai);

4. Configure the Styles to Match Your brand

You can fully customize the colors and style of this template by editing the .css files inside the /styles directory.

That's it! You're ready to ship your NFT minting page to your community.

For any questions or suggestions, join our discord at