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Drop Single Phase

The DropSinglePhase smart contract extension is meant to be used with any token (ERC20), or NFT (ERC721 or ERC1155) smart contract.

The ‘drop’ mechanism in the DropSinglePhase extension is a distribution mechanism for tokens. It lets you set ‘claim conditions’ i.e. restrictions such as a price to charge, an allowlist etc. when a wallet attempts to mint tokens on your smart contract.


import "@thirdweb-dev/contracts/extension/DropSinglePhase.sol";

(note: For ERC1155, use DropSinglePhase1155)

Available functionality

setClaimConditionsLets an authorized wallet set restrictions around the minting of tokens, such as a price to charge, or an allowlist of eligible minters, etc.
claimLets a wallet eligible to claim tokens.
_canSetClaimConditionsDefines the criteria a wallet must meet to be able to set claim conditions.

Implementing the Contract extension.

Import the contract extension and make your contract inherit it.

(note: For ERC1155, use DropSinglePhase1155)

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@thirdweb-dev/contracts/base/ERC721LazyMint.sol";
import "@thirdweb-dev/contracts/lib/CurrencyTransferLib.sol";

import "@thirdweb-dev/contracts/extension/DropSinglePhase.sol";

* The `DropSinglePhase` extension is meant to be used with any token or NFT contract as a base.
* As an EXAMPLE, we'll use the extension with the `ERC721LazyMint` contract to distribute lazy minted tokens
* via the `claim` function made available by `DropSinglePhase`.
contract MyNFT is ERC721LazyMint, DropSinglePhase {
string memory _name,
string memory _symbol,
address _royaltyRecipient,
uint128 _royaltyBps,
address _primarySaleRecipient
) ERC721LazyMint(_name, _symbol, _royaltyRecipient, _royaltyBps) {}

* This function runs before every call to the `claim` function. This gives room
* to add any checks / restrictions around wallets claiming tokens.
* As an EXAMPLE, we check that there are enough lazy minted tokens for the calling
* wallet to claim.
function _beforeClaim(
uint256 _quantity,
AllowlistProof calldata,
bytes memory
) internal view override {
require(msg.sender == tx.origin, "BOT");
if (_currentIndex + _quantity > nextTokenIdToLazyMint) {
revert("Not enough minted tokens");

* This function collect the price, if any, of claiming tokens, from the calling wallet.
function collectPriceOnClaim(
uint256 _quantityToClaim,
address _currency,
uint256 _pricePerToken
) internal override(DropSinglePhase) {
if (_pricePerToken == 0) {

uint256 totalPrice = _quantityToClaim * _pricePerToken;

if (_currency == CurrencyTransferLib.NATIVE_TOKEN) {
if (msg.value != totalPrice) {
revert("Must send total price");


* This function mints to the wallet attempting to claim them.
function transferTokensOnClaim(address _to, uint256 _quantityBeingClaimed)
returns (uint256 startTokenId)
startTokenId = _currentIndex;
_safeMint(_to, _quantityBeingClaimed);

* This function returns who is authorized to set claim conditions.
* As an EXAMPLE, we'll only allow the contract's current owner to set claim conditions.
* You MUST complete the body of this function to use the `DropSinglePhase` extension.
function _canSetClaimConditions() internal view override returns (bool) {
return msg.sender == owner();

Unlocked Features

Once deployed, you can now:

Configure a claim phase

On the dashboard, you'll be able to set the criteria under which a wallet can claim tokens from the Claim Phases tab:

Claim Phase

Within the SDK, you can pass an array of NFT metadata objects to batch lazy mint them

Claiming NFTs

Within the SDK, you can have a wallet claim tokens from your drop or claim tokens to an address.