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ContractDeployer class

Handles deploying new contracts


export declare class ContractDeployer extends RPCConnectionHandler

Extends: RPCConnectionHandler


(constructor)(network, options, storage)Constructs a new instance of the ContractDeployer class


deployEdition(metadata)Deploys a new Edition contract
deployEditionDrop(metadata)Deploys a new EditionDrop contract
deployMarketplace(metadata)Deploys a new Marketplace contract
deployMultiwrap(metadata)(BETA) Deploys a new Multiwrap contract
deployNFTCollection(metadata)Deploys an NFT Collection contract
deployNFTDrop(metadata)Deploys a new NFTDrop contract
deployPack(metadata)Deploys a new Pack contract
deployReleasedContract(releaserAddress, contractName, constructorParams)Deploy any released contract by its name
deploySignatureDrop(metadata)Deploys a new SignatureDrop contract
deploySplit(metadata)Deploys a new Split contract
deployToken(metadata)Deploys a new Token contract
deployTokenDrop(metadata)Deploys a new Token Drop contract
deployViaFactory(factoryAddress, implementationAddress, implementationAbi, initializerFunction, initializerArgs)Deploy a proxy contract of a given implementation via the given factory
deployVote(metadata)Deploys a new Vote contract