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IpfsStorage class

IPFS Storage implementation, accepts custom IPFS gateways


export declare class IpfsStorage implements IStorage

Implements: IStorage


By default, thirdweb automatically uploads files to IPFS when you perform operations such as minting, this class allows you to do it manually.


(constructor)(gatewayUrl, uploader)Constructs a new instance of the IpfsStorage class


get(hash)Fetches data from storage. This method expects to fetch JSON formatted data
getRaw(hash)Fetches data from storage. This method does not make any assumptions on the retrieved data format
upload(data, contractAddress, signerAddress, options)Upload a file to IPFS and return the hash
uploadBatch(files, fileStartNumber, contractAddress, signerAddress, options)Uploads a folder to storage.
uploadMetadata(metadata, contractAddress, signerAddress, options)Uploads JSON metadata to IPFS
uploadMetadataBatch(metadatas, fileStartNumber, contractAddress, signerAddress, options)Uploads JSON metadata to IPFS